New “Med Bed” and “Earthing – Grounding” Healing Technology Available with Hospital Beds
There is a wave on information and technology now being brought to society in the regards of “med beds” and med bed technology which start off with “earthing” or “grounding” and go up to a variety of healing technologies developed by Nikola Tesla. See information and resources below which are getting people access to being able to live healthier lives.
What is earthing and what is being grounded and what does that mean?
Ultimately this is a large subject but it really means being in contact with the earth whether that is with having your feet or body touching the earth or using a grounding device to bring that energy to your body. The instant the body touches the ground you immediately start absorbing the earths energy in the form of electrons and any bad electrical current being stored from EMF and current is removed. The absorption of electrons and the earths energy eliminates “free radicals. Free radicals are cells missing electrons which spiral out of control and cause inflammation and swelling in the body. This inflammation and swelling is the root cause of many of the diseases and illness in people in addition to a source of swelling, pain and discomfort. See “grounding and earthing products and prices at the bottom of this article. The INFORMATION about what this is much more important than trying to sell a product right now. If you want to experience better health, healing, sleeping better and no more pain take the time to educate yourself here and now keep reading this article. That page has been written to educate you and provide relief, hope and healing to the extent of what we have available in the “medical industry”.
Anti Aging Bed Cover – grounding – earthing and nano biotechnology using FAR infrared now for saleBeing grounded or earthing can be done by also using medical anti aging bed covers and sheets which plug into the grounding plug in a wall outlet. By adding this feature to a hospital bed purchase or just buying these products alone is a huge step for helping people heal and improve their health. This includes people with heart disease, high blood pressure, back pain and much much more. Sounds simple and it is however it is super powerful and now available to the general public in the form of portable carry towel size grounding sheets, blankets and more. We are now offering these items to our customers who purchase hospital beds to help them heal and recover faster from ailments they are dealing with. See more information below.
For people looking to buy hospital beds we can now offer a grounding option to help the body heal and increase optimal health. The video clip above is a documentary on earthing and grounding and provides a host of medical information and documentation on the powerful effects of grounding and earthing.
What Are “Med Beds” and When Will “Med Bed” Technology Be Out?
This is an excellent question and one I get a lot which normally is asking about the med beds used in various space programs and black budget programs that use very advanced healing technology for many secret black ops programs. As of the day this blog is being written the mass roll out of high tech med bed pods that can heal anything, regenerate parts of the body and a host of other functions are not available to the general public on earth. These high tech med beds are thought to be coming sometime soon however there are many patients and people with serious illnesses and diseases that are looking for relief now. The “earthing” and “grounding” technology as simple as it is provides a powerful start to the healing process. It is up to the individual who is ill to do the research and put the technology to use asap with very simple grounding sheets and other grounding pads etc.. Since we are dealing with patients on a daily basis with ALS, MS, quadriplegic, paraplegic, serious accidents, broken hips etcetera we are now offering these healing products. Below are some other “med bed” type technologies derived from Nikola Tesla which are also being offered including the “Tesla Plasma Chamber”.
Tesla “Med Bed Technology Products Designed to Help Heal the Body –
Tesla Healing Paddles – The Tesla Healing Paddles provide a concentrated pattern of electricity which stimulates the cells and helps them recharge, regenerate and detoxify.
The Tesla Healing paddles are ideal for helping pain and discomfort points and also helping to stimulate the internal organs of the body making them more productive and raising the bodies energy levels. This Tesla healing technology is not just helping humans but is also being used in the agricultural industry to help grow plants and trees.
Tesla Ozone Ray -The Tesla Ozone Ray is a hand help device that emits a violet purple electrical ray that sends concentrated energy to the body. Much like the Tesla Healing Coils the Tesla Ozone Ray also send energy to the body that helps stimulate the cells and help regenerate and detoxify. This handheld electrical device was developed by Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago and can also be referred to as a “med bed” type of technology.
Tesla Plasma Chamber The Tesla Plasma Chamber is perhaps one of the most powerful healing technologies now available to the public and one of the many technologies discussed by people familiar with space age med beds. The Tesla Plasma Chamber is called a “chamber” because it can fill a small room with the electrical healing energy which is omitted from a desk top electrical device. The Tesla Plasma Chamber is able to program the electrical frequency or wave lengths to match the exact part of the body which needs healing energy. The “plasma” is in the air or ether and is what transmits the electrical energy and thus signifies the name of “Tesla Plasma Chamber“. This Tesla Plasma Chamber device also can help with PTSD and a host of other psychological and physical ailments. This device has a limited production distribution limit and although it is available for sale is being offered to people and businesses that can make it accessible to patients for free use. Contact us below for more information.
Yes the space age med bed see through clear plastic pods from the various space age programs might now be here yet but if you resource the healing technology and information on this page from a high variety of sources and medical studies has shown that there are healing technologies here now and much more coming down the pipeline.
Getting “grounded” or earthing whether you physically touch the ground or get products presented here like the anti again bed cover or portable grounding towels is the first and easiest items to start with. That is why we are now offering these grounding sheets, portable carry grounding towels and more. Review products and prices below and also a host of more videos and resources to further explore and educate yourself on things you can do and products you can get to go with a hospital bed or mattress to help you heal.
Med Bed Healing Products and Prices
Anti aging grounding sheets with nano FAR infrared and silver price ranges from
$695 – $1,295 depending on the size of the sheet cover.
Tesla Healing Coils with parasite removal tool price = $1,295
Tesla Ozone Ray price = $1,295
Tesla Plasma Chamber price = $16,995
Order these products by calling 858-652-1259
or email us at
More Grounding / Earthing Movies / Healing Movie Links
The Movie “HEAL” Link Below
Earthing The Movie Link Below
Contact us below for more information on med bed products available for sale with or without hospital beds and medical equipment products.
Phone: 858-652-1259 or

Stryker Secure 3 medical bed or “med-surge” beds and other models being offered now with “med bed products and med bed technology.
Tesla Plasma Healing Demonstration
More med bed and Tesla technology information below